Celebrating 20 years of innovation - Discover how we've been a catalyst for regional growth and UK innovation for over two decades in CPI's Annual Review 2023-2024.

Webinar: Mapping the carbon footprint of pharma manufacturing

Carbon footprint mapping is an important tool for the pharma industry to identify environmental impact and make informed decisions. With the help of carbon footprint mapping, pharma companies can measure and track their CO2 emissions, energy consumption, water usage and other environmental metrics. This will enable them to better understand their environmental performance and identify areas for improvement.

Moreover, carbon footprint mapping also helps pharma companies to set realistic sustainability goals in order to reduce their carbon footprint. By analysing the data from the carbon footprint mapping process, they can develop strategies that will help them reduce emissions while maintaining a competitive edge in the industry.

This webinar will explore:

  • What are Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions?
  • Why monitor company emissions?
  • Methods for mapping Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
  • What makes best practice? Pitfalls and poor practice to be avoided.
  • Beyond carbon – what else should be monitored?

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Our speakers

Dave Berry - Complex Particles Manager at CPI

Dave Berry

Complex Particles Manager at CPI

Dave is a pharmacist with a background in clinical and industrial pharmacy (AstraZeneca R&D), a PhD in crystal Engineering and crystal growth, within the drug development space. He has previous experience as an academic at Durham University. For CPI he used to manage the Complex Particles team and now leads Grand Challenge 2 (Just in Time Clinical Trials) for Medicines Manufacturing. 

LinkedIn url: https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​i​n​/​d​a​v​i​d​-​b​e​r​r​y​-​90887663/

John Arthur - Director of the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre at CPI

John Arthur

Director of the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre at CPI

John is the Director of the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, Glasgow, a collaboration between CPI, University of Strathclyde, UK Research & Industry, Scottish Enterprise and founding industry partners, AstraZeneca and GSK

The centre will ensure the UK is a technology and innovation leader in pharmaceutical manufacturing, thereby boosting the competitiveness of both sectors. The initial focus will be on technology translation for small molecule drug manufacture. In January 2022, John also became the interim Director of CPI’s Biologics capabilities. 

LinkedIn url: https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​i​n​/​j​o​h​n​-​a​r​t​h​u​r​-​b​b​5​aa44/

Matt Bond - Carbon Consultant at Small World Consulting

Matt Bond

Carbon Consultant at Small World Consulting

Matt works as a carbon consultant for Small World Consulting Ltd (SWC), a leading scope 3 carbon accounting and sustainability strategy consultancy founded by Mike Berners-Lee, Professor at Lancaster University and author of best-selling books There Is No Planet B’ and How Bad Are Bananas?’. 

After completing a degree in Natural Sciences and Business Management at the University of Cambridge, Matt concentrated his focus on carbon emissions through undertaking a Masters by Research at Lancaster University; producing a tool to calculate the carbon footprint of the UK’s electronic waste recycling system. Since joining SWC, Matt has led and contributed to a variety of projects, including scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions assessments of organisations, reviews of technology gaps that need addressing for decarbonisation, and training courses on climate change and carbon accounting. He is also active in maintaining and updating SWC’s emissions factor databases, spanning methodologies from Life Cycle Assessment to Environmentally Extended Input-Output analysis.

LinkedIn url: https://​www​.linkedin​.com/​i​n​/​b​o​n​d​m​a​tthew

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