Building a healthier and more sustainable future for people, places and our planet
Our vision for sustainability
At CPI, we recognise our responsibility to create positive impacts on both society and the environment.
We firmly believe that sustainable development is not just a choice, it’s our compass. It aligns with our core values and drives our decision-making. We will integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business. Focusing on our core pillars of People, Planet and Partnerships
And as we look to the future, we’ll continue to connect the dots in the innovation ecosystem to bring about pioneering changes that help to build a more sustainable future for everyone.
If the world is going to change, it’s up to all of us to make it happen. That’s why we invest in people and their communities, developing the skills and technologies to form the building blocks of our sustainable future.
From school visits and open days to apprenticeships and work placements, we’re nurturing the next generation of talent and creating high-skilled jobs to transform our regions. We’re also partnering with universities, government and professional bodies to seed industry with the skills it needs to not only overcome the challenges of today, but also those that we will face in the decades to come.
Our work brings our values to life. That’s why CPI invests in people and programmes that make a tangible impact in the communities that we’re a part of.
One of these programmes is CPI Boost, a dedicated scheme that enables CPI staff to support local groups or projects. Whether it’s equipment for a youth sports team or litter-picking community groups, this initiative supports small steps that add up to make a big difference in the local community.
Through CPI’s 6 innovation and technology centres, located across the North of England and Scotland, we utilise our collective expertise towards building a better planet — for everyone. We support projects that lower the footprint of manufacturing processes, helping reduce environmental impact. We’re also working with businesses developing new technologies to help tackle the threat of climate change.
As an organisation, we’re working to understand our own impact on the world around us. That’s why we’re actively taking steps to reduce our environmental footprint. We’re on a journey towards the decarbonisation of CPI’s facilities, with an ambition to achieve NetZero by 2035. We have set ourselves the goal of achieving the highest industry standards for environmental best practice — ensuring that every action we take is backed up by robust scientific standards and reporting.

If we’re going to make a difference we can’t do it alone. That’s why collaboration is at our core. We support an inclusive innovation system, recognising and removing barriers to entry so that we can come together to solve some of the greatest challenges society faces.
By aligning our project portfolio with CPI’s Environmental and Societal values we can solve real life problems, creating solutions that have the potential to change the environmental landscape.

All of the above will be underpinned by effective Governance. Our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policy Statement reflects our commitment to sustainable practices, transparency and ethical conduct.
We will have senior level oversight and accountability of Sustainability targets and support the implementation of CPI’s ESG Framework, Roadmap and associated policies and procedures.
CPI is a member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC). Being a member of the UNGC provides us with an ethical and practical framework for delivering on our CSR. The framework comprises four key themes; Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. Nested within these themes are the 10 Principles that we have committed to supporting. As a member, CPI will report on progress against all 10 Principles, annually, to the UNGC.
The report will be made available in our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policy upon publication.

Our progress
Doing the right thing is central to CPI’s mission, but how will we know if what we’re doing is actually making a difference?
That’s why measurement is so important.
CPI is working with Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a globally-recognised standard for assessing GHG emissions, to monitor our impact across every aspect of our operation. Using 2022 – 2023 as our baseline we can now track our progress towards decarbonisation and measure our success along the way.
Using this data we can measure consumption, but also see where there’s still room for improvement. It’s a vital step towards understanding and reducing our impact on the environment.

Our performance
Category | Unit | FY23/24 | FY22/23 | Difference |
Scope 1 | tCO₂e | 1436.65 | 2000.05 | -28.20% |
Scope 2 (Market based) | tCO₂e | 765.69 | 582.30 | +31.00% |
Scope 2 (Location based) | tCO₂e | 2332.55 | 2053.85 | +13.60% |
Total Scope 1 & Scope 2 (Location based) | tCO₂e | 3769.20 | 4,053.90 | -7.00% |
Energy intensity ratios (inc. Scope 1 and Scope 2 location based)
Category | Unit | FY23/24 | FY22/23 | Difference |
tCO₂e per £1m revenue (Location based) | tCO₂e | 46.97 | 51.96 | -9.06% |
tCO₂e per FTE (Location based) | tCO₂e | 5.42 | 6.35 | -14.60% |
Scope 1 – Direct GHG emissions
Category | Unit | FY23/24 | FY22/23 |
Stationary combustion | tCO₂e | 1435.83 | 1891.77 |
Mobile combustion | tCO₂e | 0.82 | 0.90 |
Fugitive emissions | tCO₂e | 0 | 107.38 |
Total Scope 1 emissions | tCO₂e | 1436.65 | 2000.05 |
Scope 2 – Energy indirect emissions
Category | Unit | FY23/24 | FY22/23 |
Electricity – Market based | tCO₂e | 602.53 | 573.99 |
Electricity – Location based | tCO₂e | 2169.39 | 2045.53 |
Heating | tCO₂e | 158.17 | 2.67 |
Steam | tCO₂e | 4.99 | 5.65 |
Cooling | tCO₂e | 0 | 0 |
Total Scope 2 emissions (Market based) | tCO₂e | 765.69 | 582.30 |
Total Scope 2 emissions (Location based) | tCO₂e | 2332.55 | 2053.85 |
Scope 3
Category | Unit | FY23/24 | FY22/23 |
Purchased goods and services | tCO₂e | 3065.59 | 3565 |
Capital goods | tCO₂e | 2931.47 | 3180 |
Fuel and energy related activity | tCO₂e | 987.17 | 1022 |
Upstream transport | tCO₂e | 8.86 | 41.20 |
Waste | tCO₂e | 9 | 4 |
Business travel | tCO₂e | 342.64 | 271.80 |
Employee commuting | tCO₂e | 1331 | 1064 |
Upstream leased assets | tCO₂e | 33.93 | 29.67 |
Investments | tCO₂e | 0.991 | 1.595 |
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