CPI Collaborate with Recyclatech to Further R&D
11 Jul 2014
Recyclatech is an SME research and development company based in the UK, which specialises in projects linked to the new and renewable energy sector. Its core business is to recycle (devulcanise) waste rubber, which can then be sold back to automotive tyre manufacturers.
Recyclatech asked CPI to collaborate and support their devulcanisation technology, following proof of concept, by ascertaining whether the process would work on a large scale. The company’s own team worked alongside scientists at CPI, occupying space within one of the CPI laboratories, and demonstrated that effective commercial full-scale devulcanisation can be achieved, and that the process was ready for commercialisation.
Recyclatech uses tyres that have been ground to a specific size and uses a patented technology to remove sulphur from the rubber elastomer. The rubber can then be resold to rubber product manufacturers for incorporation into high value products. By working alongside a team of CPI scientists, led by Project Manager, Santhana Krishnan, Recyclatech has been able to run the full-scale process treating batches of 2 tonnes in 10 m³ reactors to achieve desulphurisation. Recyclatech is now at the stage of commercialising the process and there are plans to create the company’s first full-scale plant for the production of recycled (devulcanised) rubber.
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