Celebrating 20 years of innovation - Discover how we've been a catalyst for regional growth and UK innovation for over two decades in CPI's Annual Review 2023-2024.
Invitation to Collaborate on innovation in Biologics and Bioprocessing.
CPI is working with academics to develop research infrastructure to assist the UK formulation industry.
CPI hosts insightful, eye opening and value adding Skills School focusing on the biopharmaceutical industry.
CPI has started construction of its National Centre for Healthcare Photonics.
The NANOFACTURING consortium has made significant progress towards the establishment of a pilot line.
CPI, alongside partners Calysta and Otto Simon, won the Institution of Chemical Engineers GLobal Team Award 2017.
CPI and the KTN hosted the Fourth Biopharmaceutical Analytical Group Symposium.
World-leading partners collaborate to optimise the design, development and quality of particulate products.
The Northern Powerhouse Chemicals and Process Consortium to lead a Science and Innovation Audit.
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