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CPI, Midatech partner in nanopharmaceutical consortium

11 Nov 2014

CPI is part of a consortium which will focus on the development and scale up of nanopharmaceutical production. Coordinated by Midatech Biogune, part of the UK based Midatech Pharma, the project aims to scale up an existing Gold Nanoparticle (GNP) production process to meet the projected demands associated with Midatech‘s clinical pipeline in endocrine and oncology therapies.

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Specifically, this project will focus on the manufacture of insulin coated gold nanoparticles, that are being used in Midatech‘s insulin delivery patch. The outcomes of the project will also support the development of nanoparticle based therapies to address other disease areas.

CPI will deploy its bioprocessing and chemistry expertise and facilities to support the manufacturing scale up of nanoparticle generation, insulin coating and final purification. The funding will also allow CPI to establish the infrastructure which other Nanopharmaceutical companies can access to support process development and scale up. The project will leverage and enhance the expertise and knowledge of the nine companies and academic centres of excellence across Europe that form the consortium, leaving a legacy that will support the further growth of this emerging high potential technology.

Consortium details

Coordinator: Midatech Biogune (ES) Consortium: Centre for Process Innovation Limited (UK), Prochimia Surfaces SP.Z.O.O (PL), Galchimia S.A (ES), the University College Dublin and the National University of Ireland (IE), Applus S.A. LGAI Technological Center, S.A (ES), IFOM, Fondazione Istituto FIRC di Oncologia Molecolare (IT), and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH).

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