Celebrating 20 years of innovation - Discover how we've been a catalyst for regional growth and UK innovation for over two decades in CPI's Annual Review 2023-2024.

Building a Sustainable Future in Printable Electronics

16 Mar 2011

On the 16th March CPI’s Printable Electronics Centre hosted an event to discuss the future opportunities from the completion of The Northern Way’s Building a Sustainable Future for the UK in Printable Electronics” programme.

The day focused on the commercialisation of products arising from the programme and the future market opportunities for the companies involved.

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The programme was created with the aim of capitalising on the strong technological capability present in the North of England and allowing the broad supply chain to understand and be well placed to benefit from the huge opportunity that is Printable Electronics. The programme has enabled the 30 collaborators to establish capabilities in this exciting new technology, gaining competencies ranging from the manufacture and supply of organic semi-conductors through to their application in new prototype devices. With support from the embryonic supply chain, CPI has been able to engage on the international stage, winning development contracts with major Asian electronics companies.

At the event there was also the opportunity to see and interact with printed electronics demonstrators from the eight Northern Way competition projects including interactive posters, membrane keypads with printed displays and offset litho printed sensor electrodes.

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