Celebrating 20 years of innovation - Discover how we've been a catalyst for regional growth and UK innovation for over two decades in CPI's Annual Review 2023-2024.

Biologics Progress Update – Dec 2013

12 Dec 2013

Enabling the UK to become the driving force in the development and manufacture of biologics by generating an environment where innovative businesses can grow their ideas into commercial propositions that serve current and future healthcare needs.

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CPI are work with academe, businesses, charities, public bodies and regulators across the supply chain to solve the processing problems that are hindering growth in the development and supply of biologic therapies. The NBMC is being established to support the growth of the Biologics industry. Consultation with the industry and with guidance of Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is steering the centre to focus on delivering this ambition. The overall business model is being designed to meet these needs. Progress is good, the IAB, selected Darlington as the site for the NBMC, it has approved the user requirement brief and the concept design has been delivered. We are selecting the design and build contractor and associated contractors and expect the centre to open March 2015. The business model will operate around a flexible hub and spoke’ model. This is to enable effective working with existing facilities and centres of excellence in the UK, to collaborate and work together as well as seeking further programmes and funding as opportunities and needs emerge. These partnerships are under development. The NBMC is busy extending this network working closely with the BIA and Bioprocess UK, the Technology Strategy Board and Research Councils to enhance the competitive position of the UK.

The National Biologics Manufacturing Centre (NBMC) aims to: •Bridge the gap between biologics research and manufacturing. •Create manufacturing routes for the next generation of biologics, which are likely to be diverse in nature and targeted at smaller patient cohorts. •Challenge existing practices in facility design with a view to reducing operational costs, improving flexibility and meeting future supply needs, such as distributed/​localised manufacture. •Develop, test and validate new and innovative process technologies, enabling the productive manufacture of a new generation of therapies. •Increase availability of new processes to enable cost competitive manufacture of existing therapies. •Provide new analytical tools and techniques to improve supply security by facilitating improved control of biologic production processes. •Help with skills and workforce development to meet the resource needs of the biologics supply chain.

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