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New intensification processes for RNA-LNPs presentation

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For innovators with a mAb or an RNA candidate with high therapeutic potential, quickly getting to the right intensification process for scalable and sustainable manufacture is critical on the route to market.

Dr Philip Probert shares valuable insight on optimising intensification processes - upstream and downstream - for RNA-LNPs and mAbs at the 16th Annual Bioprocessing Summit 2024.

In his presentation, Philip looks at opportunities and challenges of mRNA process intensification, including approaches trialled at the UK’s Centre for Process Innovation based on an abundance of experience in making manufacture of novel biologics more sustainable. Process intensification is relevant because mRNA-LNP-based products continue to show promise, but the cost of goods and supply chain limitations may limit access to potentially revolutionary and life-saving products.

Now open to industry, the RNA Centre of Excellence (GMP) and the National Biologics Manufacturing Centre provide the expertise and experience required to quickly find the most optimal processes for more sustainable scaling and manufacturing of RNA-LNPs and mAbs.

For more information please email Asif.Tulah@uk-cpi.com or to find out about scientific collaboration opportunities in RNA-LNPs please email Philip.Probert@uk-cpi.com

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