Celebrating 20 years of innovation - Discover how we've been a catalyst for regional growth and UK innovation for over two decades in CPI's Annual Review 2023-2024.

Stratasys J750 Digital Anatomy Printer

The Stratasys J750 Digital Anatomy Printer is a Polyjet 3D printer that prints multi-colour and multi-texture materials allowing for products with a wide range rigid, flexible, transparent and opaque properties.

The Stratasys J750 Digital Anatomy Printer (DAP) is a Polyjet 3D printer that prints multi-colour and multi-texture materials allowing for products with a wide range rigid, flexible, transparent and opaque properties resulting in 500,000+ material combinations. This system is the perfect tool to simulate low volume injection moulded parts. The Stratasys DAP also allows the creation of realistic medical models that mimic the biomechanical properties of the anatomy. Using this technology, CPI can create ultra-realistic medical models, phantoms, medical device test equipment and training aids. The system can print at a layer resolution of 14 microns allowing for exceptional quality prints and has a build volume of 490mm x 390mm x 200mm.

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