Controlling Crystallisation
Fine tuning crystallisation process parameters in real time
Obtaining real-time process data using an in-line microscope and particle sizer
Crystallisation reactions critically depend on the temperature profile. CPI used an in-line microscope and an in-line particle sizer to track this reaction in real-time, recording crystal properties as a function of temperature.
The trials confirmed that the combination of a precise crystal size measurement and visual inspection enables fine-tuning of the process parameters and crystals of the desired size.
This approach can be extended to other process analytical technologies, such as in-line Raman spectroscopy, to follow chemical reactions in real-time. This provides increased understanding and subsequent control of the process, reducing processing time and saving resources.
- Radley’s reactors
- In-line particle sizer (focussed beam reflectance measurement)
- In-line microscope
- Particle size distributions for crystallisation
- Real-time microscopic images during crystallisation
- Increased understanding of dynamics of crystallisation
- Showcased the potential of using process analytical technology for crystallisations and other processes

The challenge
The mixing of complex formulations, crystallisation reactions and chemical reactions are complex processes. Understanding the effect that changing process parameters can have on final product properties can help to control these processes, making them more time and resource efficient.
Typically, the key properties measured are physical ones such as viscosity and particle size, or chemical properties such as moisture content.
However, the measurement of these properties is challenging; commercial instruments are often expensive and made for off-line use. Samples are taken during the process and then analysed away from the production line. This inevitably leads to delays between the process and the final measurement.
In crystallisation reactions, temperature plays a critical role in controlling the growth rate and final particle size. Measuring the particle size of the growing crystals in real-time, without this off-line delay, allows a much more accurate control of process conditions to achieve the target crystal size.
How CPI helped
CPI used a state-of-the-art process analytical instrument for the measurement of particle size, and an in-line microscope to follow the crystallisation reaction in real time. The two instruments were connected to temperature-controlled Radley reaction reactors.
The resulting data shows a clear correlation between temperature and the size and number of crystals formed. This provides vital process information.
The approach could be used to compare more cost-effective process instrumentation versus industry-standard instruments.
The approach could also be applied to other processes, such as mixing/formulation processes and chemical reactions.
These measurements provide a wealth of information about crystallisation reactions.