Celebrating 20 years of innovation - Discover how we've been a catalyst for regional growth and UK innovation for over two decades in CPI's Annual Review 2023-2024.

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CPI Annual Review 2023-24

Celebrating 20 years of deep tech innovation

Since its inception in 2004, CPI has been instrumental in transforming bright ideas into reality. Through our deep tech innovation centres across the North of England and Scotland, we've empowered countless businesses to navigate the intricate path from concept to commercialisation. Our 2023-24 Annual Review showcases and celebrates two decades of dedication, innovation, and collaboration.

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CPI AR23 24 Conversations Frank Millar Blue 240814 01
Frank Millar
Chief Executive Officer

20 years of impact

We’re committed to catalysing advanced technologies and manufacturing solutions that benefit people, places, and our planet. Through this mission, we've helped unlock almost £3 billion in private investment, transforming manufacturing, industries, and local economies. Discover the stories of the incredible SMEs we've supported in the case studies below.

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Case study

PragmatIC Semiconductor

Connecting everyday objects for a smarter future.

£22 million

Unlocked income

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Case study

Touchlight Genetics

Scaling up a new process to create synthetic DNA.


Employee count

£147 million

Private investment unlocked

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Booby Biome Case Study header

Case study


Giving infants a healthier start in life by boosting their gut microbiome.

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Case study


Improving the pharmaceutical supply chain.

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Farming Fertiliser Spray

Case study

Azotic Technologies

Developing a natural nitrogen-fixation technology for agriculture.

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Stuff4life 1

Case study


Turning rags to riches through repolymerisation.


Energy savings

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Case study


Revolutionising treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.

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Our impact in numbers

It's time to look back and celebrate the achievements made possible through our collective efforts. For nearly a decade, we have diligently reported our key performance indicators (KPIs). However, in 2023, we shifted from activity tracking to measuring true impact. Our new framework demonstrates our impact in three critical areas: industry support, strategic leadership, and competence development.

20 years of impact
2023/24 impact
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Private investment unlocked

£ 3 billion

Business collaborations


Knowledge transfer activities


Projects delivered


CR&D projects spanning the innovation ecosystem


Projects involving academia

1 in 5

Business support activities


Products and processes developed


Products and processes to market


External learners supported


Client IP established


Investor readiness support


Research paper contributions


Industry regulation contributions


Thought leadership publications


20 years of incredible people

With over 700 people working across a wide range of markets and sectors, together, we’ve navigated challenges and embraced innovation to deliver the incredible every day, making a lasting impact on people, places, and our planet.

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CPI in conversation with... CPI in conversation with... CPI in conversation with... CPI in conversation with... CPI in conversation with... CPI in conversation with... CPI in conversation with... CPI in conversation with...
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20 years of innovation

We are over 700 experts, innovation enablers, and radical thinkers with a wealth of experience across diverse industries and innovation landscapes. Glean ground-breaking insights from within the core of CPI in the thought leadership blogs below.

Invigorating communities blog preview


20 years of invigorating local communities

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we’re reflecting on two decades of incredible impact on multiple levels and across various communities.

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Strategic partnerships blog preview


Regional reflections: Place and the power of partnership

CPI opened its doors on 2 April 2004. Today, our commitment to connecting the dots in the innovation ecosystem is just as strong as it was then.

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CPI E evolution blog preview


Beyond the cutting edge: Why CPI Enterprises represents the next stage of CPI's evolution

For 20 years, CPI has helped shape the innovation ecosystem. And as the continued growth of CPI Enterprises shows, we’re only just getting started.

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Failure blog preview


Failure is an option – if you learn from it

Innovation is risky, it might involve failure. But if we learn from it, innovation can pay off big time.

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Engineering Bio blog preview


Engineering biology helping the UK tackle global challenges

Advanced medicines, sustainable food production, and manufacturing are all made possible by engineering biology.

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Innovation v invention


Innovation: What it is and how to do it

It's the lifeblood of any economy, but what are the differences between invention and innovation?

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Deep tech valley 01


The role of innovation centres within deep tech ecosystems

How national innovation centre navigate frequent changes posed by societal and industrial challenges.

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20 years of ESG

At CPI, we recognise our responsibility to society and the environment.

We firmly believe that sustainable development is not just a choice; it’s our compass. It aligns with our core values and drives our decision-making. As we look to the future, we’ll continue to bring about pioneering changes that help to build a healthier future for everyone. We've committed to the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles; discover the Sustainable Development Goals that we're actively supporting through the delivery of our project portfolio below.
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1 no poverty
Property 12 hunger
Property 13 health
Property 15 gender equality
Property 18 work
Property 111 consumption
Property 112 climate action
Property 114 life below water
Property 115 land
Property 117 partnerships

Our story across 20 years

As a member of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, we’ve fostered innovation across a wide range of markets, from healthtech and pharma, to novel food, materials, and energy. Take a look at the timeline below to uncover the key events and significant projects that have contributed to our growth and success.

2004 2009 2014 2019 2024
2 Employees
1 CRW 5532

One North East's strategy for success establishes CPI as a centre of excellence

5 CF007182 A4

CPI becomes founding member of High Value Manufacturing Catapult

7 nbmc launched

CPI launches National Biologics Manufacturing Centre

13 cobra

Cost-effective development of AAV regenerative medicines

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11 Jennie Younger2

CPI appoints Jennie Younger as Non-Executive Chairman

14 cdc

Collaboration enables robust and efficient medicines manufacturing

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15 nhpc launch

CPI launches National Healthcare Photonics Centre

16 Adobe Stock 706663631

CPI launches venture capital and investment arm, CPI Enterprises

18 200219 CPI Portraits at Sedgefield 119

CPI welcomes new CEO, Frank Millar

19 covid

CPI joins UK Government’s Vaccine Taskforce

20 Adobe Stock 427561796

CPI receives investment to help fight COVID-19 variants

Revolutionary new oral medicine

Collaboration develops revolutionary treatment for inflammatory bowel disease

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21 Adobe Stock 227271276

CPI, ABHI, and Innovate UK funding programme supports HealthTech SMEs

22 mmic launched2

CPI launches Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre

23 IMG 6855

Colin Harrison Laboratory naming ceremony

25 RNACOE launched2

CPI launches RNA Centre of Excellence

Wearable technology for stroke survivors

Wearable technology to help 50% of stroke survivors

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26 OMICE Image 4

Oligonucleotide Manufacturing Innovation Centre of Excellence announced

Ground breaking microbiome supplement2

Ground-breaking microbiome boost to infants' immune systems

2004 2009 2014 2019 2024
2 lighthouse

World’s first fuel-cell-powered lighthouse

3 nibf launched

CPI launches National Industrial Biotechnology Facility

4 npec launched

CPI launches National Printable Electronics Centre

6 Pragmatic

PragmatIC Printing Ltd moves into commercial production at CPI

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8 pharma packaging2

Consortium develops intelligent packaging for pharmaceuticals

9 calysta

Calysta and CPI open ground-breaking feedstock plant

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10 seagas

Largest UK seaweed batch harvested for bioenergy production

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12 nfc launch

CPI launches National Formulation Centre

17 battery crop

LiNa Energy collaboration demonstrates next-gen battery technology

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Scaling up e waste recycling

Scaling up e‑waste recycling with DEScycle

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24 nfic launched

CPI launches Novel Food Innovation Centre

Battery images for website

Advanced Materials Battery Industrialisation Centre announced

Turning rags to riches

Turning rags to riches through repolymerisation

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28 Adobe Stock 635434059

CPI plays crucial role in Rochdale-based innovation centre

29 Adobe Stock 589310609

Collaboration driving down cost of cultivated meat

30 co2

CPI's pivotal role in making everyday products from CO2

Transforming places

We've supported hundreds of companies, helped create thousands of highly-skilled jobs, transformed industrial landscapes, and helped unlock billions for the UK economy. But we didn't achieve this on our own. Strategic partnerships with academia, government, industry and the investment community are central to our success and will continue to play a vital role as we embark on the next 20 years of our journey. Discover how we've helped transform places below.

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Wilton 1
Opened 2007

National Industrial Biotechnology Facility

Opened 2009

National Printable Electronics Centre

Wilton 1
Opened 2007

National Industrial Biotechnology Facility

Opened 2015

National Biologics Manufacturing Centre

Opened 2009

National Printable Electronics Centre

Wilton 1
Opened 2007

National Industrial Biotechnology Facility

Coxon formulation centre 1
Opened 2018

National Formulation Centre

Opened 2015

National Biologics Manufacturing Centre

Opened 2009

National Printable Electronics Centre

Wilton 1
Opened 2007

National Industrial Biotechnology Facility

Coxon Exterior
Opened 2019

National Healthcare Photonics Centre

Coxon formulation centre 1
Opened 2018

National Formulation Centre

Opened 2015

National Biologics Manufacturing Centre

Opened 2009

National Printable Electronics Centre

Wilton 1
Opened 2007

National Industrial Biocenology Facility

22 mmic launched
Opened 2022

Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre

Coxon Exterior
Opened 2019

National Healthcare Photonics Centre

Coxon formulation centre 1
Opened 2018

National Formulation Centre

Opened 2015

National Biologics Manufacturing Centre

Opened 2009

National Printable Electronics Centre

Wilton 1
Opened 2007

National Industrial Biotechnology Facility

Opened 2023

RNA Centre of Excellence

Opened 2023

Novel Food Innovation Centre

22 mmic launched
Opened 2022

Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre

Coxon Exterior
Opened 2019

National Healthcare Photonics Centre

Coxon formulation centre
Opened 2018

National Formulation Centre

Opened 2015

National Biologics Manufacturing Centre

Opened 2009

National Printable Electronics Centre

Wilton 1
Opened 2007

National Industrial Biotechnology Facility

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Free downloadable guide

Challenges and opportunities for UK HealthTech manufacturing scale-up

Download our free report today to learn more about the key barriers within the translation space between initial concept and manufacturing, which stifle UK innovators from successfully upscaling their novel HealthTech ideas into high value businesses and applications.

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CPI is your innovation partner to make your ideas a reality.