5G in Healthcare Innovation Hub

Fast-tracking 5G innovations through to adoption within a healthcare setting


Competition summary

Submit your innovation  

Businesses specialising in 5G technologies are invited to submit ideas for improving patient flow and discharge services through a 5G innovation acceleration programme. This will put the North East at the forefront of a technological revolution in healthcare. 

Working with CPI and partners, businesses can test their ideas and gain access to early-stage adoption pathways into health and care settings. 

The 5G innovations that show the potential to improve health outcomes will be selected for a testbed environment. The results will inform which two projects will have the greatest impact on how healthcare services are delivered. 

Submissions for this programme will close on the 15th of September, please contact us in advance of this date if you have any questions.

Submit your innovation  

Further information

The North East Combined Authority has awarded the fund, which will be shared between CPI, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, The North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board, Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria, Boldyn Networks, and Waymark.

If you have any questions at all about this project, including applications, timelines, and support, please contact us.


What is 5G, and how can this technology benefit healthcare?

From better ambulance connections and asset tracking to personalised medicine and robotic surgery, 5G technology has the potential to revolutionise healthcare as we know it. All these benefits will reduce the number of people needing acute hospital care and ultimately reduce the strain on the NHS.

At CPI, we’re helping to bring this vision closer to reality by allowing 5G innovators to use our model testbed for new technologies and prototypes to analyse data in a controlled environment.

CPI is your innovation partner to make your ideas a reality.